People around this tLilyime of year ask me whether or not it is too late to plant perennials (that’s those plants that come back every year…).   The answer is definitely not too late at all.  Perennials can be planted any time during the growing season from mid-May until end-September (give or take, depending on the weather).  Actually, this time of year when your gardens are “showing their stuff”, it is the best time to look around and see what is working, what is not, what you would like to do that would make your garden even better.

When should you move perennials that are already in your garden – maybe you want to divide them or completely move them?  Well, the best time is when they are not in flower – either before they begin making flower buds or after they are finished flowering.  When you purchase plants at a garden center, when it is flowering, it is not such a critical factor as long as you are gentle doing the transplant from pot to garden.  Today would be a perfect day to do this kind of work:  cool, damp, rain for the next couple of days – the ground is soft and workable.  If you are dealing with a hot and dry period of weather when you want to do this work, the best time to do it is in the evening and make sure that you water them really well when you put them in the ground and do make sure that you give them some water every day if the weather stays hot and dry.

When you are planting your perennials, be sure to give them room for future growth.  So many times, we plant perennials only to find that they quickly outgrow the space in which we planted them into.  Read the tag, ask the garden center worker or “google it” – then leave the appropriate space.  If the space looks bare in the meantime, you could plants some annuals to fill it up or you  could mulch around the area and put some nice rock, driftwood or garden sculpture while your perennials fills out.  Use your imagination!!

Anyway, be sure to stop into see us if you are looking for perennials.  Our selection is wonderful and the plants are in great shape.  We are sure that you will find something just perfect.  Happy gardening and I am going to my own garden – right now!!


Should I plant perennials?