Well, it’s that time of year again for all of us gardeners: those days when it is warm and dry enough for us to start our yearly strolls through our perennial gardens for that shot of excitement we get when we get to say (silently to ourselves or shouting to the world) that “the daffodils are blooming” or “the tulips opened today” or “I see the little hosta spears poking through!” – yes, we all carefully examine and watch the progress of our perennials. Most of them “make it” but sometimes, we lose a perennial or two.
This is the time of year to be doing a good spring cleanup of the garden: cut and dispose of all those old stalks from last year, clean up debris around the plants, do an addition of compost or manure to build up the soil and add fertilizer as needed. Get ready to take a good look at what is doing well, what is limping along (move it? get rid of it?), what needs to be divided and maybe you will decide to get something to add to your perennial bed.
Well, here at The Bayside, we are very excited to bring you a very interesting group of perennials to add to your garden or to replace some that perhaps didn’t make it. Check out our list here: (add link to website). We will be offering even more varieties as I bring them in from the farm over the next few weeks. I particularly am excited about a couple of varieties: Rose Lilies (we have two colors) http://www.gpnmag.com/article/perennial-solutions-oriental-lily-roselily-series/; Persicaria ‘Polymorpha” or giant fleeceflower http://www.perennials.com/plants/persicaria-polymorpha.html – this is an impressive landscape plant; Tradescantia ‘Bilberry Ice” aka spider wort (lovely in a partly shady garden) http://www.perennials.com/plants/tradescantia-bilberry-ice.html
The “Perennial of the Year” is Asclepias tuberosa or Butterfly Weed. http://www.perennialplant.org/index.php/component/k2/item/190-2017-perennial-plant-of-the-year There is so much attention given to how we need to support the butterflies and the bees in their work as pollinators – this plant speaks volumes to that need (and it is very, very beautiful!).
When purchasing a perennial for your garden, be sure to choose one that will match to your garden environment. Check the label or ask us to confirm that the plant you are choosing is a “good fit” – there are several factors to be considered: sun exposure, moisture level of the soil (summer and winter!); type of soil, drainage, size and bloom time are some of the important factors to be aware when you are choosing a perennial. It is a common problem that we plant a “small” plant in a small space only to find that it is overgrown in a couple of years – so choose the size carefully. (You can always fill in around the perennial with annuals while the perennial is coming to size). It is always a goal in a perennial garden to have something in bloom all the time which can be a challenge as most perennials only bloom for a short period of time. We have a few continuous bloomers here: Scabiosa columbaria ‘Pink Mist’, Gaillardia Mesa Yellow, and Astrantia ‘Sparkling Stars Pink’. You can always add perennial grasses and foliage such as Euphorbia polychroma ‘Bonfire’ that are as pretty and interesting as any flower in my opinion! So many choices!
Spring is such a great time to do dividing of perennials and what a great way to expand your garden without spending money – trade with your friends and increase your diversity. There are definitely methods that will make this task easier and successful. Check out this link – it is a really good “how to” for dividing perennials. http://www.finegardening.com/10-tips-dividing-perennial-plants
Don’t forget that May is “PERENNIALS: BUY THREE – GET ONE FREE”- great selection and great prices!