So as I sit here tonight listening to the rain on the roof, I say to myself “Argh!  Why didn’t I get those peas in the ground before this rain!”  – we gardeners are always so anxious this time of year to get at it!  Take a breath and realize that there will be another day to get the peas in the ground.   But it’s hard not to be excited about planting a good crop of herbs & vegetables that you know will give such pleasure when the harvest begins…BUT, till then, let’s get planting…

First & foremost:  prepare your soil well – add compost as needed, top up beds with garden soil or black earth.  Good soil = good plants – don’t skip or minimize the importance of preparing the soil.

An example of us “hardening off” our veggies.

What to plant? When to plant? – these are the questions that are on our minds these days.  Well, you can certainly plant peas, spinach, lettuce, chard, kale, oriental greens ++ other hardy vegetables; all your root crops can go in as well as all the brassicas (kale, broccoli, cabbage, etc.)  You can plant these by seed or transplants (which give you a “jump” on our short season).  It is important when you use transplants to make sure that they are “hardened off”– we harden off all our vegetables here at TheBayside before we sell them to you.


 Get your potatoes in.  It was always a tradition to plant potatoes on the long weekend of May – get them in early and harvest early – dream of yummy potatoes!!  We have several kinds of potatoes here at The Bayside including one of my favorites, Banana Potato.   We also have some Maritime Blues (which I think are the “old blues” that were so commonly grown here in years past).


Also, you can put your fruit in at this time:  raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb – these all can be easily planted now.  We are bringing in a new blueberry variety this year which caught my interest called “Sweetheart” – supposed to give two crops of berries a year – once in July and then again in August/September.  I’m so excited to try them…

It is not too early to plant some herbs – I think you could seed parsley, summer savory and dill at this time.  However, once again if you want to get that “jump on the season” come on down and get some transplants – we have a great selection.  New this year, we present “Sweet Valley Herbs and Vegetables.”  I became aware of their products when I was in the herb business and they always did a fine job.  They offer a complete line – everything from basil to thyme, from lavender to tarragon with lots in between.  Many of these herbs can be planting now or quite soon but be careful of planting that basil too early!

So with that final word of caution, let’s remember Joni Mitchell’s words and agree that …  “it’s time to get back to the garden…”

Oh – one last resource:  check out this link – I constantly refresh my mind with this handy planting guide.   C U soon at TheBayside, I hope.

Folk songstress, Joni Mitchell in the garden.
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